Tuesday, May 29, 2007

TCTV Yaya activities at What You Got?

What You Got? Youth Documentary Crew!

Join the fun on the documentary crew for the fourth annual What You Got? Youth Arts Fest! This celebration of youth culture, films, music, art and spoken word is June 28th-July 1st in venues all over Olympia including the Capitol Theater and outdoors at Sylvester Park. Contact Jessica at TCTV by phone, email or Myspace for more info. To be part of the documentary crew, please be under 21 and a certified member of TCTV. Adults are welcome to come and help out too!

We are hosting a FREE workshop

Friday June 29th 12 pm to 3 pm at the Olympia Freeschool as part of What You Got?! Participants will create a short collaborative video about fun local topics and will get their own DVD. All ages under 21 are welcome but this workshop is mostly for children or the child at heart. Pre-registration is required.

Contact Jessica at TCTV to sign up for the

documentary crew or register for the workshop.

Email: yayamedia@tctv.net Myspace: www.myspace.com/yayamedia

Phone: 360-956-3100 x114

For info about What You Got?



Thursday, May 17, 2007

Conference Video

For those of you who did not attend the Regional conference of the Alliance for Community Media last month there is now video on the web that you can watch. TCTV volunteers, Rus Geh and Cherrie Reddoch, videotaped the workshops. You can now view them on the ACM Northwest Region website at www.acmnwr.org. Go to the site and click on 2007 conference video posted or simply click on the videos below.


COMMUNITY BUILDING AND COLLABORATIONS - Effective community development helps build bridges and strengthen organizations. Learn ways to develop successful community partnerships and strategies to avoid potential pit-falls of organizational collaborations.

You need to have flashplayer enabled to watch this Google video

NORTHWEST MEDIA POLICY ISSUES - State legislation and FCC rules..what’s next and how will it affect us all?

You need to have flashplayer enabled to watch this Google video

INNOVATIONS AND INSPIRATIONS – Podcasting, citizen journalism, and video blogs are changing the media paradigm. How can we evolve our organizations to keep pace with evolving media technology or team with other media groups to bridge the digital gap.

You need to have flashplayer enabled to watch this Google video

EMPOWERING YOUNG VOICES – learn about successful youth media projects.

You need to have flashplayer enabled to watch this Google video